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Supported Inclusion

Brinbeal Secondary College is a supported inclusion school.

Supported inclusion schools are local government schools that have some additional accessibility facilities that assist them to implement a model of education provision and support for a higher proportion of students with a disability among the general student population.

Brinbeal Secondary College will provide a range of supports to our students to promote inclusion and learning growth. These supports include:

Mentor Groups: students will build positive relationships within their mentor groups.

Differentiation: built into our instructional model differentiation will provide all students with the opportunity to learn and achieve growth.

Individual Education Plans: students with additional learning needs will be provided with an IEP to help guide staff in making adjustments for the student.

Literacy & Numeracy Small Group Intervention: provided to students 12 months or more behind in their literacy and numeracy skills. Brinbeal will utilise: QuickSmart Numeracy and MultiLit - Macqlit. These programs will be facilitated by ES.

Tutor Learning Initiative: teachers at Brinbeal Secondary College may be allocated up to 3 hours of time to assist in classrooms as part of the TLI. Staff will provide extra support in the classroom to students any student who is identified by their teacher as needing support.

Integration Aide Support: provided to students based on the level of funding. A timetable will be developed to ensure students have support in the subjects areas most needed.

Enrolment Policy

Supported inclusion schools also have enrolment policies that allow them to prioritise enrolment of students with disability who live outside the school zone, provided they meet specialist enrolment criteria. These features support students with disability to attend a school closer to home and study alongside students from their neighbourhood.

Students seeking priority enrolment under the specialist enrolment criteria must have a diagnosis for intellectual disability from a registered psychologist evidenced by:

A. sub-average general intellectual functioning which is demonstrated by a full-scale score of two standard deviations or more below the mean score on a standardised individual test of general intelligence, for example a full-scale score of 70 or below on one of the recommended standardised individual tests of intelligence;


B. significant deficits in adaptive behaviour established by a composite score of two standard deviations or more below the mean on an approved standardised test of adaptive behaviour, for example a Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales composite score of 70 or below;


C. a history and evidence of an ongoing problem with an expectation of continuation during the school years.

Applications from out-of-zone students with disability who do not meet the above criteria may be prioritised on a case-by-case basis by the region, in consultation with the principal, considering the student’s education and support needs.

Please refer to the Brinbeal Secondary College Enrolment Policy for further details.

Enrolment Policy pdf - 250.17 KB
Brinbeal Secondary College

Brinbeal Secondary College acknowledge the Bunurong people, the Traditional Owners of the land on which we learn, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.